Welcome to the expert system of the BORA project.

Predicting Underwater Noise due to Offshore Pile Driving.

  • The global target of BORA is to develop a profound calculation model to predict waterborne noise due to offshore pile driving.

  • In the near surroundings of the pile, sound energy levels often exceed the present limit values prescribed by the German authorities to protect marine mammals.

Welcome to the BORA-expert system!

The BORA-expert system results from the project "BORA - Calculation of pile-driver noise" funded by the BMWi due to an act of the German Parliament (project ref. no. 0325421). It provides a quick and simple way to estimate the sound level resulting from pile-driving. The expert system is based on a comprehensive data base, which is created with the help of numerical models that are developed in the project and validated through extensiv offshore measurement campaigns. Of course it can not claim - despite an extensive and carefully created data base - to reproduce each individual detail of a building project. Advices, that are related to the expected forecast accuracy, the practical limitations of the expert system, as well as interesting insights into the acoustically relevant components of the pile-driving process can be found in the documentation.